Studio Outside Puts Hearts and Hammers into Home Renovation Project


A normal week at Studio Outside involves a lot of drawing and design, client meetings, site visits, and guiding the construction of landscape architecture projects all around the country. But every once in a while, we get the opportunity to impact our community in Dallas not just by designing something, but by building it with our own hands. 

Last month, Outsiders gathered at a south Dallas home to partner with the Hearts & Hammers organization, whose mission is to refurbish qualified homes owned by low income citizens within the Dallas Metroplex, in renovating the outside of the home. Outsider Corrinne Battle came up with the idea after volunteering in previous years. Here is a brief Q&A with Corrinne and some great photos of the construction:

Why did you think Studio Outside would be a good fit for this project?

When I saw how well we were able to pull off remodeling our own office, I knew that we could handle some minor repairs on a home for someone else.

What do you think we learned from the experience?

The first thing that I think that we learned is how well we work together. Another thing that I think we learned is that it is very important to give back to the community and with just a few hours of our time we can impact and help those who are unable to help themselves.

Who would you like to thank for participating in this project?

Special shout out to Brad Goodman, my co-captain, as well as everyone who helped with our project. Thanks also to In-Control Water Systems for coming out to help us. Last but not least, the Collins Family.