Studio Outside Shows Work at 2014 Retrospect Exhibition

We had the opportunity this year to exhibit our firm's work and do some creative construction for the Retrospect 2014 exhibition held at Northpark Mall in Dallas. First held in 1990, Retrospect is a public exhibition organized by AIA Dallas that serves to highlight the work of Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Interior Design firms around the region. It's a great opportunity for us to reach out to the public and not only promote the Studio Outside name but also the field of Landscape Architecture in general. 

This year we decided to keep it simple: within our assigned 3'X3'X8' space, we created a wooden exhibit box, solid on three sides and positively glowing on one side, with the firm's cut out letters nicely back-lit. We think it turned out pretty well, and there were a ton of other creative and out-of-the-box (so to speak) constructions from other firms there.

See the photos of the Studio Outside monolith below:

All photographs taken by Charlie Pruitt / Studio Outside

Photo Journal: Studio Outsiders Explore Colorado Bend State Park

Sometimes it's good to get out of the office. Especially as landscape architects, getting in touch with some nature every now and then is a healthy exercise. This past weekend (which granted us the most beautiful weather in Texas' recorded history) a group of Outsiders embarked on a road trip to Colorado Bend State Park in the beautiful hill country a couple hours west of Austin. We spelunked and we hiked. We sat in a circle and we sat in the river. But mostly, we breathed the cool, clear fresh air and took a break from the concrete jungle. 

(photos by Charlie Pruitt)

All photographs by this guy. Except this one. 

All photographs by this guy. Except this one.